Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I Ripped That Vision Board Right Off the Wall!

I took my vision board down! Ripped it right off the wall. You remember a couple of years ago when all anyone could talk about was "The Secret" and everyone had a vision board?

Loved mine. All the things I want to do. Pictures of all the places we have yet to travel and that ski house in Park City and the place by the beach...

Here is the problem. I suddenly realized I am falling asleep not celebrating my wins but beating myself up for the things I haven't done...wow..what a revelation...you too?

Here is what I know. You do need to write it down and you need to think about things and experiences that will inspire you but do you need to look at it everyday? I don't think so

You see about 15 years ago my then fiance and I were having a glass of wine at Sweetwaters on Church street in Burlington, Vermont.

He is my husband now by the way and we will be celebrating 15 years in just a few short weeks. Wow. Where does the time go?

Anyways, we wrote a list on the cocktail napkin of all the things we wanted to accomplish and have in our lives. We put it in a drawer and when we moved for the 3rd time a few years ago we found it.

Everything on that list had happened already and in much bigger ways than we could have ever imagined.

As a matter of fact, we had specified a cottage on the lake. We were then moving full time into our dream home on the lake.

We hoped for a child and we have three fabulous kids. Makes all the rest of it seem inconsequential.

We wanted real estate and successful businesses, a winery...all done. So does it work absolutely!... and you have to also.

You need to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way.

You need to celebrate your wins and you need to have goals in mind. Write them down and then tuck them away and get to work!

Follow mentors who can help you do what you want to accomplish and don't give up. You may need to reevaluate and correct course on occasion but don't stop.

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